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Match.it Domain Marketplace

We work with you to choose the best domain!

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Do not lose these Domains


40000,00 €

Why buy with Match?
On the Marketplace you can immediately buy the domain at the price indicated by the seller. Does it seem too high? Propose your counteroffer and the seller will decide whether to accept it or not.

Why sell with Match?
On the Marketplace you can sell your domains at a fixed price.
Are you undecided about the price to apply? Let the user to make his you a proposal, you can decide whether to accept it or propose a counteroffer.

Name Price D.A. P.A.

The best experts for registration, backorder and brokerage domain services

Your questions, our answers

Are the Marketplace acquisition proposals time-limited?

If you don't get any answer within 7 days, the offers will be cancelled.

Description of the Marketplace Service

Marketplace is the service offered free of charge by the DomainAuction platform through which it is possible to:

  • offer their own domains for sale
  • buy domains from other users.

Users who sell have the opportunity to indicate a recommended price, manage the negotiation (even in the case of multiple offers), see the history of the offers made and more.

In the event that an offer is not accepted or rejected, after 7 days it will be canceled.